Underernæring er et overset sundhedsproblem

Malnutrition is an overlooked health problem

Malnutrition – an overlooked societal problem

Malnutrition is a problem that is unfortunately often overlooked in hospitals and care for the elderly.

Disease-related malnutrition is estimated to cost Danish society DKK 22 billion. kroner annually (Menon Economics, 2022)

Studies show that approx. 60% of elderly people in nursing homes and associated home care are at nutritional risk (Holst, 2019).

The incidence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in the elderly during hospitalization and during rehabilitation is 85-90% (Pedersen et al., 2016).

When admitted to Danish medical and surgical departments, 20-30% of patients are at nutritional risk (Holst, 2019)

What does malnutrition do to the body?

When the supply of nutrients is too small, the muscles in the cup weaken. The weakening of the muscles affects everything from the muscles in the legs to the heart muscle and quickly affects functional capacity and quality of life.

In addition to functional capacity, malnutrition has major consequences for the immune system, wound healing, risk of infection and increases the risk of longer hospitalizations, re-hospitalization and increased rehabilitation periods. (Norman, 2007)

Diet for the malnourished

  • The food must be prepared with as many calories as possible in small mouthfuls.
  • Butter and cream are added wherever possible.
  • Fruit can be boiled into fruit porridge and served with whipped cream
  • Cream is added to the sauce and soup
  • Additionally, Adozan can be added, which contributes more calories and/or protein.

Adozan can increase calorie and protein intake

Adozan can be mixed into food and drink and increase the nutritional content without changing the volume, taste and consistency. In other words, Adozan can give your favorite dishes some extra power.
Adozan is stirred into food and drink both during preparation and when serving, in baked goods and bread, in hot and cold dishes and drinks.

Vital+ has a high content of unsaturated fat, fiber and protein. This product becomes whitish after dissolution and is very suitable in a cup of coffee, shakes, soups, baked goods, porridge, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, etc.

Transparent+ provides extra calories from carbohydrate and protein. This product becomes transparent after dissolution and is therefore suitable for use in juice, soups and fruit porridge.

Kilo+ is high in unsaturated fat but low in protein. This product becomes whitish after dissolution and is very suitable in a cup of coffee, shakes, soups, baked goods, porridge, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, etc.

Protein+ and Protein+Hot contain 100% protein from several different protein sources and contain all essential amino acids. These products have a clear, slightly whitish appearance after dissolution and are suitable for soups, porridges, sauces, various dinner dishes, energy and protein drinks, dairy products and hot drinks such as coffee, tea and cocoa.
Protein+ withstands heating to 75 degrees. It is therefore recommended that Protein+ be added after cooling to 75 degrees in dishes that are cooked. Adozan Protein+ can advantageously be dissolved in water before adding juice. When baking, where Adozan Protein+ binds to other ingredients, the product can withstand higher temperatures. Protein+Hot withstands boiling.

Adozan Chocolate+ contains as many calories as regular chocolate, but the advantage of Adozan Chocolate is that it also contributes proteins. AND then it's ready to eat.
