Maden før og efter Gastric Bypass eller Sleeve

The food before and after Gastric Bypass or Sleeve

After a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, the stomach is so reduced that it can be difficult to get the nutrition the body needs, and especially the body's need for protein can be very difficult to cover (Hessov, I. & Jeppesen, PB, 2012) .

In addition, new studies suggest that focusing on protein intake already before surgery can be an advantage with a view to preserving muscle mass (Ho et al, Asian J Surg 2023).

Protein supplementation may therefore be necessary for a period of time. Adozan can help you well on your way to meeting your protein needs.

This is how you can easily get 50 g of extra protein per day

This is how you can easily get 50 g of extra protein per day

Morning: 10 g Protein+ or Protein +Hot stirred into the morning porridge or in a cup of coffee.
Afternoon: Stir 10 g of Protein+ or Protein +Hot into a portion of sour milk product.
Drink of the day: Stir 30 g Protein+ or Protein +Hot or 50 ml P-Boost into a jug of water that is ready in the fridge. The water is drunk during the day - possibly added a little sugar-free juice if you need flavoring.

You decide the taste

Adozan is not flavored and can therefore be used in both savory and sweet cuisine. You can add during cooking or serving, depending on what suits you best. Adozan can withstand cold and heat, and can simply be used anywhere.

Good advice after gastric bypass and gastric sleeve

  • Eat slowly (but don't eat longer than usual)
  • Chew the food thoroughly
  • Do not drink with meals (but before or a few hours after)
  • Avoid a very high-fat diet
  • Beware of tough meat, tough pulp etc.
  • Supplement with 1 multivitamin daily

Also pay attention to B12, calcium, vitamin D and iron (Hessov, I. & Jeppesen, PB, 2012)

If in doubt, talk to your doctor or a clinical dietitian.


Hessov, I. & Jeppesen, PB, 2012, Clinical Nutrition

Ho et al, Asian J Surg 2023;S1015-9584(23)00300-7